
Originally employed by Joseph Pilates in his work with dancers, Pilates has now been embraced in the world of rehabilitation. In the twenty plus years I’ve been teaching Pilates I have come to recognize the power it has to improve the quality and feel of movement. My treatment approach helps you move more effectively. I have spent years modifying, refining and creating exercises that address all aspects of human movement.  I believe hands on experience and comprehensive knowledge of kinesiology are vital components of Pilates based rehabilitation.

In my years working as a trained and licensed Physical Therapist, I have developed an eye for efficient movement. My knowledge of anatomy and years of focused Pilates practice make me uniquely qualified to help you achieve a positive change in your rehabilitation and performance. Whether you come to me for rehabilitation of an injury or simply to increase your overall fitness, you can rely on the fact that I will use my experience to help guide you safely and effectively to your goals.

I have been seeing Raminder on a regular basis for the past several years due to serious lower back and neck issues that are at times, agonizingly painful. The combination of Pilates and Physical Therapy that are Raminder’s specialties have the effect of keeping my pain to a minimum, and I honestly feel that he is the reason that I am upright and able to get through the day with relative ease. Thank you, Raminder. M.K.